How do you cook rice? And I mean, in a pot with boiling water, not a rice cooker...
My mother makes a perfect pot of rice with each and every dinner, it's never burnt, mushy, watery or hard. And the crazy thing is that she eyeballs the amount of water needed to go in! No measuring cups, no fancy instruments, just a natural sense of the water to rice ratio.
The other day, after being frustrated with my watery and mushy rice, I turned to my trusty friend - Google - for answers.
Other than numerous suggestions to buy a rice cooker, I came across one post that outlined the "Index Finger Rule to Cooking Rice"
Here's how it works, wash the rice as usual and drain out the murky water without dumping the whole pot of rice into the sink (I've done that before...)
Next, rest the tip of your index finger on the surface of the rice, and fill up the pot with water until it reaches the first joint of that finger.
That's it! I have yet to try out this technique, but it seems relatively simple and idiot-proof.