Sunday, 27 September 2009

I see you!!

Ok maybe not... but a few weeks ago I was chatting to my favourite Viking about blogs (he has one too) and he said that he gets people from all of the world who stumble onto his blog.

"How do you know??" I demanded

"You just install a blog thingy that tracks that can tell you when people read your blog and where they're coming from"

(* I'd like to point out that he never said 'blog thingy', that's just what I heard and remember)

So when I got home that day, that's exactly what I did. So now, in moments of pure vanity I get to come home and see that now there have been 130 page views on my blog in the last 2 weeks, AND i can track where visitors are coming from, how long they stay and which pages they visit.

Do you know that someone stumbled onto my blog from Chicago because they were doing a search on the words "I snore"?? Well, I'm sure they were disappointed to find my rambles and venting; I just hope they found what they were looking for.

I can see that my favourite Aunt from Colorado has taken time out of her extremely busy schedule to check it out (Thanks Auntie B!), as well there's quite a lot of activity from back home, so it's nice to see that my friends are keeping track of me.

Anyway, one more week of work and then I'm off to my travels! To be honest, I've been so stressed this week with work and trying to plan my trip AND a massive thanksgiving dinner for everyone when I get back, that this weekend I pretty well spent basking in the sun and not thinking about anything. It was absolutely glorious and just what I needed to gear up for what will undoubtedly be a ridiculous next 2 weeks.

Until then, I hope all of you are enjoying your night/day from wherever you are... whether you're a friend from home checking in, or someone who's trying to find a cure for snoring :)

xoxo snoring girl.

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